Areas of excellence

Umbilical cord blood donation

Cord blood donation is completely safe, free and anonymous. It represents a pure act of generosity towards thousands of critically ill patients. 

There are structures in charge of collecting cord blood donations and Fondazione Poliambulanza, whose solidarity commitment to assist the sick has been going on for years, is one of them. 

A baby’s umbilical cord blood will be available for anyone in need of a transplant since it is rich with the blood-forming cells that can give blood cancer patients hope for a cure.

Fondazione Poliambulanza’s public cord blood bank of reference is the one of the city of Milan, the MICB (Milano Cord Blood Bank) and there are no collection or storage costs, which are entirely covered by the National Health Service.


What to do to donate?

Before donating not only the mother but also the father have to answer to a questionnaire on their medical history and it is also recommended an informed consent, which can be revoked at any times.

However, every month the obstetrics, together with a doctor, meets the future parents in order to inform them about the most relevant aspects of donating cord blood.In those occasions a paediatrician, a neonatologist and an obstetric are available to fill in the questionnaire to support the SCO donation giving further details. Patients can also undergo the amnestic anamnestic interview in occasion of the pre-hospitalization or during the visits towards the end of the pregnancy. 

In Italy a private storage and use of the cord blood is forbidden, apart from particular cases approved in accordance with the relevant provisions (Ministerial Order of 15 November 2009: “Disposizioni in materia di conservazione di cellule staminali da sangue “Del cordone ombelicale per uso autologo-dedicato”). 

Indeed, it is a citizen’s right to use freely its biological material and to store it in a safe location at its own expenses. However, a Sanitary Management’s prior authorization shall be required for the export of cord blood.

Dr. Brighenti Renato


Brighenti Renato

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