Oncology Area

Psychological Support

A dynamic clinical path for the treatment of patients with cancer should consider also the human factor which is a keystone to care. Even nowadays the time spent for patients’ psychological wellbeing has become a secondary factor in medical practice, our Oncology Department is in the front line in supporting patients pstchologically and, aiming at patients’ satisfaction with the humanization of treatments provided, it remains faithful to Fondazione Poliambulanza’s mission and values.

In Fondazione Poliambulanza, during the preoperative recovery of patients with breast cancer, they are always given a warm reception through a psychological meeting so as to help them identifying and managing the most common and difficult emotions and feelings dealing with the communication of the diagnosis. The awareness that they can count on such a support is a crucial point in facing a negative state of mind in which pain, anxiety, confusion and loss prevail.

Postoperative recovery: it can be a critical stage, as well. In some cases, as a consequence of surgery and any subsequent treatments, women’s body will be modified undermining patients’ femininity and compromising their sense of self.


Patients’ psychological state of mind is a key point in facing the tumor adopting the best strategy. For example, taking part in individual or group meetings can be very useful to restore women’s psychophysical equilibrium.

To ensure the continuity of care services provided and given the sensitivity of the subject, women’s clinical path has been thought in order to make available a series of projects within the Oncology Department, so as to be assisted during whatever crucial moment of their hospitalization. Among which: 


  • Rainbow Project: it provides psychological support and counselling for parents children in order to facilitate the communication of the diagnosis;
  • Venus Project: it organizes makeup workshop helping women to feel comfortable within their new femininity;
  • “Note for Oncology” Project: it organizes some events and concerts so as to facilitate and ease the difficult approach with the Oncology Department.

Dott.ssa Andreis Federica


Andreis Federica





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