Surgery is the main treatment for most ovarian cancer. Basically, it depends on the neoplastic expansion and on what the exact stage is.
During the surgery the tumor is treated through a longitudinal incision in the abdomen so as to favour the exploration of internal abdominal walls. Usually uterus is removed (hysterectomy), along with ovaries and ometum (a layer of peritoneum which sorrounds abdominal organs), while lymph nodes in the pelvis and abdomen are biopsided together with parietal peritoneum (the outer layer of the membrane attached to the abdominal wall and pelvic walls).
Poliambulanza is a multifunctional and multidisciplinary center of excellence.
A Check Up can save your life, but also give you serenity.
International Office
Fondazione Poliambulanza opens its doors to the New Surgical Centre and the New Multifunctional Intensive Care Unit.