3D Laparoscopy

In Poliambulanza’s General Surgery Department operations in laparoscopy are made with the 3D technology.


Laparoscopy surgery is also called minimally invasive surgery. In this procedure a miniature camera and other instruments are introduced in the abdomen by the surgeon through small incisions in order to remove the digestive tract. Compared to the traditional surgery, keywhole surgery maintains a proper visual field for surgeons and, furthermore, minimizes the post-operative pain and speeds up the recovery times.


One of the disadvantages linked to the traditional laparascopy is restricted vision during the operation as well as the difficulty in handling the instruments. On the contrary, using the 3D technology means going beyond such fctors and towards a new surgical approach which merges a three-dimensional view with minimally invasive techniques.


Mini invasive aortic valve replacement

Fondazione Poliambulanza’s Cardio-Surgery Operating Unit is a leading centre in AVR with sutureless prosthesis.

Sutureless prosthetic valve is made of self-expanding and memory-shaped materials, perfectly able to stick to the seat of the original valve.


Avoiding suture stitches considerably speeds up surgery times and recovery times as well.  Moreover, it minimizes the post-operative pain in patients of all ages.


According to Agenas, the National Agency of the Ministry of Health which evaluates sanitary services, the mortality rate of Valvular surgery’s operations performed in Fondazione Poliambulanza is verging to zero. Compared to other Italian hospitals, where the mortality rates reaches, on average, the 3 per cent, Fondazione Poliambulanza got the best result at a national level.

Coronary artery bypass grafting without extracorporeal circulation

Fondazione Poliambulanza is in the forefront for cardiopulmonary bypass without extracorporeal circulation, not only in Italy, but also in Europe.

In Fondazione Poliambulanza's Cardiac surgery Operative Unit,  more than  90 per cents of treatments are performed in that procedure. This rate is higher than the inferior Italian national average of 20 per cent. 
What does without extracorporeal circulation mean? During a bypass operation, the mini ECC techniques provide coronary artery stability, while the hearth keeps on beating, ensuring normal vital signs.

Avoiding extracorporeal circulation is a good solution which results in some clinical advantages:

  • It prevents neurological complications;
  • It prevents adverse inflammatory responses;
  • It facilitates and speeds up the postoperative clinical outcomes.

Hip and knee prostheses fast track

In Orthopaedics Operative Unit,  together with joint implants, the Fast Track is carried out as well.
By fast track we mean “the quickest and most direct route to achievement of a goal”, in the perioperative assistance context it is meant as a path focused on patients and promoting their safety reducing adverse events thanks to anaesthesias and particular surgical sutures.
Moreover, Fast Track is highly effective in order to:

  • Minimize blood transfusion;
  • Achieve optimal pain control thanks to local infiltration analgesia;
  • Ensure patients' rapid recovery and early discharge from hospital (from the possibility to assume an erect position on the same day of surgery to the assisted autonomous walking only 2 or 3 hours after the admission to the ward).

Stereotactic radiotherapy

The Radiotherapy centre of Fondazione Poliambulanza was already taken into account in the original project of the hospital, recognizing the importance of a stereotactic body radiation therapy within the structure. Nowadays, Fondazione Poliambulanza has gained an important and accurate experience both in the cranial radiotherapy (mostly for brain metastases, meningiomas and neurinomas) and in the corporal one (mostly regarding primary and secondary lung and liver cancers).

Stereotactic radiotherapy is a highly precise technique, used to destroy the tumor with ablative mechanism, while sparing the surrounding healthy tissues. The cycle of treatment with ablative lasers consists of no more than 5 sessions, or even a sole session as for the radiosurgery involving brain tumors.

To achieve the therapeutic effect and reduce to the minimum the risk of further complications, a millimetric precision is required: to this and we combine diverse methodologies, structured around complex equipment. For example, in case of lung or liver tumors, a breathing control system enables to operate with a particular procedure which involves a stationary target. On the contrary, in case of targets inside the cranium, we perform a non-invasive but strong immobilization, involving dental amalgam as well.