Make your donation to solidarity
Give your 5xmille to Fondazione Poliambulanza’s Charitatis Opera. We take care of the needy. We are committed to the worldwide assistance and cure of the poor and the needy. Give us your hand, make your signature.
Join the many supporters of Fondazione Poliambulanza. Support our project and play a crucial role in someone alse’s life.
You can easily monitor your investments by having a look at the photos and reading the reports made in Africa. Donating is an investment and we believe there is no better profit than a child’s smiling face.
Not only is helping Poliambulanza’s Charitatis Opera easy but it is also very important
Besides buying the “maglia per la solidarietà” t-shirt, whose entire revenue is assigned to the PCO’s initiatives, you can make a payment on behalf of our several projects through one of the following means:
1. Payment methods that allow tax deduction
Causale (=Purpose of Transfer): Erogazione Liberale (also indicate any project you intend to support).
In order to issue a valid tax deduction, please send always a fax to 030 3515351 or an email to confirming the payment, specifying your name, family name, fiscal code and address using this facsimile form.
2. Methods of payment that do not allow tax deduction
Cash payment (Maximum amount Eur 2.999,00) directly at the Secretariat of Poliambulanza Charitatis Opera Onlus (Phone 030 3515342 -
3. 5X1000
Give your 5X1000 indicating the fiscal code of Poliambulanza Charitatis Opera: 98150900177.
Poliambulanza is a multifunctional and multidisciplinary center of excellence.
A Check Up can save your life, but also give you serenity.
International Office
Fondazione Poliambulanza opens its doors to the New Surgical Centre and the New Multifunctional Intensive Care Unit.