Admission to Hospital

It’s necessary to switch from the acceptance counter before going to the wards to undergo a medical examination or a test

Counters timetable

Counters are open:

  • From Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 6:45 pm
  • Saturday from 7:00 am to 12:30 pm

Admission to Hospital

Timetable and Procedure

The prescription charge or other amount concerning outpatient services have to be paid at the counters for Outpatient Admission.


Counters are open:


  • from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 6:45 pm

  • Saturday from 7:00 am to 12:30 am.


The scheduled day you have to:


1. Bring with you the following documents:

  • A medical prescription (for SSNN services)

  • (Italian) Fiscal Code Card

  •  Health Insurance Card


2. Withdraw your ticket number by the Totem:


  • Visits and samplings (with the general practitioner’s proposal) button

  • Radiological examinations (with the general practitioner’s proposal) button

  • Pre hospitalization button
  • Pregnant women button
  • Priority patients button
  • Private patients/having an agreement button


3. Reach the proper counter, the one on the luminous notice board.

4. Wait for your turn. Then you are admitted to Hospital. Next you have to pay the prescription charge or other services.

5. Reach the Ambulatory or Radiology ward following the operator’s instructions or the information in your hand.




You can pay with cash, cheques, Pago Bancomat. We accept the following credit cards: Master and Visa.

CD room Radiology’s copy

CD room Radiology’s copy
If needed, it has to be requested at the Radiology Service.The following provisions apply:

  • 1 CD €7
  •  From 2 to 4 CDs €14
  •  For 5 or more CDs € 20


Admission to hospital of vulnerable groups

Fondazione Poliambulanza is attentive to the needs of the many. The most recent growth of the structure has been followed by the introduction of new IT and software so as to manage the inflow of people at the acceptance point, at the counters for tickets, or regarding admissions to hospital, hospitalizations, bookings, samplings areas and ambulatories, providing them with a facilitate access for those patients with special needs (for example patients with disabilities, pregnant women and so on).


In September 2014, at least 1.392 patients with disabilities and 1.765 pregnant women have been admitted to hospital with an average waiting time of less than 3,5 minutes.

The software installed allows a very accurate daily monitoring of the waiting times during certain times of the day, so as to better plan the opening of the counters.