RESTORE - Health by Advanced Therapies 

RESTORE aims to create a European ecosystem, a coordinated, financially strong, academia-industry partnership, that will accelerate translation and commercialization of Advanced Therapies in Europe with a significant benefit for patients. Advanced Therapies (Advanced Therapies Medicinal Products and Biologised Medical Devices – ATMP/bio-MD) aim to transform the current focus on “treatment of disease” into one that concentrates on “regeneration of health”.


FONDAZIONE POLIAMBULANZA is committed to achieving this goal and thus supports the initiative RESTORE.




Click here for more informations.

Fondazione Poliambulanza Lombardy Region Ministry of Health


Fondazione Poliambulanza Hospital | Brescia, via Bissolati, 57- Tel. +39 030-35151 P.iva 02663120984, N.REA BS468431

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