Technologies for care

Computerized surgical path

Adopting a computerized surgical path means taking care of surgical patients through a completely computerized system.

Poliambulanza has been embarking on a new road, aimed at improving the quality of surgical care by reducing the clinical risk and promoting a greater efficiency and efficacy in the surgical path, as well.

Pre-, intra- and postoperative activities have been integrated and complemented each other so as to make patient’s healthcare pathway safer within the Surgical Centre, by monitoring every phase of the process.

  1. Surgical visit
  2. Place yourself on a surgery waiting list
  3. Pre hospitalization and surgical planning
  4. Pre hospitalization
  5. Surgical procedure program identification
  6. Intraoperative management
  7. Surgical Centre monitoring
  8. Operative report

The integration of those activities has contributed to improve resources allocation, through an in-depth strength and weaknesses analysis,

From a computerized surgical path perspective, a multi professional team can facilitate quality management, where a multiprofessional cooperation of physicians, nurses, engineers and managers is an essential quality for team working, together with high standard technologies and computerized devices, so as to avoid uncertainty and insecurity for the patient during all the phases of the surgical path.




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