Historically Poliambulanza’s actions have been targeted on two key points. On one hand a continuous research in the field of the most innovative and advanced clinical care, on the other the peculiar attention to the human dimesion. It is an evergreen and crucial challenge, whose main actors are the quality of care, the commitment to reduce all the risks, the centrality of the sick and the readiness to help also the patients’ family.
In this respect Poliambulanza has adopted the Servizio Risk Management e Qualità and, at the same time, every Operative unit has nominated any doctors and nurses as promoters of safety measures within the hospital and controllers of the clinical and charity works’ quality standards.
In order to remain focused on a constant improvement, Fondazione Poliambulanza is been following the right way in order to reach the excellence. In this sense, it has brought to light a system in which every activity is constantly revised and the worthiest international standards always kept as a point of reference. As a result, in 2013 Fondazione Poliambulanza was given the accreditation of excellence by the International Joint Commission, a worldwide leader in evaluating the hospitals and the services.
Furthermore, it is important to highlight that the hospital has adopted the LEAN system, a type of business management thought to minimize waste optimizing available resources.
Poliambulanza is a multifunctional and multidisciplinary center of excellence.
A Check Up can save your life, but also give you serenity.
International Office
Fondazione Poliambulanza opens its doors to the New Surgical Centre and the New Multifunctional Intensive Care Unit.