Information about hospitalization

In the section below you will find all the information you need to manage every phase of the hospitalization under private or public policy.


Hospitalization of patients with agreement or insurance policy

In Fondazione Poliambulanza, hospitalization shall be granted as follows:


  • By the Emergency Department
  • By the National Health Care Service
  • By a private patient’s policy
  • By patients’ health insurance plan


Hospitalization after Emergency Department admission

When a patient is brought without prior appointment into the Emergency Department, he/she actually needs acute care. Since the sooner treatment is rendered, the better the outcome, those for whom immediate care might make a positive difference are actually treated quickly, regardless of the order of arrival to the hospital. The emergency physician is the one who is responsible for triaging patients, deciding whether he/she has to be admitted to the hospital (and to which Operating Unit he/she has to be consequently transferred) or discharged, prior a careful evaluation of his/her conditions. Patients who are accepted by the National Health Care Service are entitled to free services and can be admitted to the hospital.


Planned hospitalization of patients within the National Health Care Service

Patients who are assisted by the National Health Care Service in need of being hospitalied can be admitted to hospital at the request of the following figures:

  • Their general practitioner/a freely chosen paediatrician with their proposal
  • A specialized physician or the ASL Guardia Medica with their proposal

In both cases, Fondazione Poliambulanza reserves the right to decide whether the patients have to be hospitalized, on agreement between the parties.


Planned/urgent hospitalization of private patients
Furthermore, Fondazione Poliambulanza provides outpatient hospitalization (day hospital and day surgery) which does not require an overnight hospital stay, that is not exceeding 12 hours. Patients who are not assisted by the National Health Care Service, or those who waive their right to be assisted by the above mentioned Service, can be admitted to hospital on medical prescription only, and belonging such practitioner to Fondazione Poliambulanza’s medical staff. For intramoenia hospitalization it is possible to make use of a single room provided with all amenities, but with additional costs if there is a carer.


The quotations for patients who are in receipt of medically prescribed treatment in hospital shall be paid at the proper Secretariat Department. Furthermore, the person concerned has to sign an undertaking that he/she will adhere to the terms of the contract and not challenge them at a later stage. Please note that a refundable deposit of 50% of the cost may be required, as well.


Payments can be made by cheque, bancomat or credit card exclusively at the Private Patients/Having an Agreement Office, located at the first floor, C area, open from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 12:30 and from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm. or by calling the +39 030/35 15 238 from external telephone and the 5238 from internal one.


The formula with better hotel comfort does not apply to private patients


Hospitalization of patients with agreement or insurance policy

atients insured by any sort of investments funds, provisions or those being insurance policy holders should benefit from a direct payment granted by their Fund or Insurance company. In case of Indirect Agreement, patients should pay in advance and then be reimbursed, according to the terms of the insurance policy. Such covered expenses shall be promptly activated by the patients themselves with their insurance. 

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Pre-Hospitalization examinations

As a rule, surgical patients shall undergo a series of medical examinations condensed in one session, without a referral from the general practitioner nor additional costs, prenoting them by appointment within the Operating Units’ Secretariats. Such examinations usually last for a month.

In the event that a patient renounces to be hospitalized within the hospital, all related costs shall be charged to him/her.

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The day of admission the patient is required to present at the Acceptance Office with the documents listed below:

Italian citizens

  • The general practitioner’s prescription (only for those covered by the National Health Care Service)
  • Identity card or an equivalent document
  • Health insurance card (only for those covered by the National Health Care Service)
  • Fiscal code
  • Patient’s medical record


Non-national citizens of the European Union and/or European Economic Area State members (for example Lichtestein, Norway, Island ans Switzerland)

  • European Health Insurance Card or the new model for form E 11
  • Form E112, according to which the coverage may vary depending on the type of treatment sought and the country in which it is to be received
  • In the absence of the above mentioned document, all the costs should be borne by the interested person
  • Identity card
  • Patient’s medical record


Non-EU foreign nationals  and/or State members with no bilateral agreements being yet in force in Italy

  • All the costs should be borne by the interested person
  • Passport
  • Residence permit
  • Patient’s medical record 


Non-EU foreign nationals and/or State members with no bilateral agreements being yet in force in Italy

  • Passport or another identification document
  • An application form for the determination of civil indigent status, with SPT code (that is foreign national). The form may be filled also at the Emergency Department only in case the person who does not reside in the competent Member State is actually in need of urgent vitally necessary treatment. Otherwise, all the costs should be borne by him/her.
  • Patient’s medical record.

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Copy of the medical record

Patients, after having been discharged, shoul ask for a copy of their medical records, consisting of a collection of diagnostic and therapeutic patient’s data.


To get the copy of the medical record, approved by the Medical Director, an additional cost is often incurred. That is 20 Euro for the authenticated copy and 5 more for any shipment costs, if requested.


The second copy of the medical record has to be requested simultaneously in advance at a cost of  10 Euro. 


CD room Radiology’s copy
If needed, it has to be requested at the Radiology Service.The following provisions apply:


  • 1 CD €7

  • From 2 to 4 CDs €14

  • For 5 or more CDs € 20


For any information regarding your medical report please refer exclusively to the Acceptance Office, located at the first floor of the hospital, near the main entrance, at the following times:


  • From Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm
  • Saturday from 9:00 am to 12:00 am


Further information are also available calling the +39 030/ 35 15 264. Through a delegation, a different competent authority shall be designated to withdrawal medical records holding his/her identity card and a copy of the interested person’s one.

Copies of medical record, radiological examinations and autopsy reports of deceased patients as well, should be issued only in favour of persons entitled by law.


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Personal effects

We recommend you to bring with you everything expected for hospitalization, for example underwear, towels, stockings, napkins, a nightgown or a pyjamas, a robe, a tracksuit, and the necessary for personal hygiene.


Please do not take valuable objects with you.
You may need money for some additional expenditure.

Fondazione Poliambulanza is not responsible for any theft.

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Secure discharge

Within the services and the activities of the Preventive Medicine Department, some interesting preventive programs have been implemented. For example the one run by our healthcare assistants concerning the so called ‘secure discharge’.

The secure discharge is a guidance pathway which takes care of the frail, that is a particular category of patients being at risk for several factors, among which precarious health, economic and social conditions, for example because of the lack of a family, or a supporting network of people, or even a home. The Offices’s tasks are the following:

  • Protecting the frail, elederly and also young patients suffering from a total or partial loss of self-sufficiency and/or living in a state of uncertainty and social emargination.
  • Promoting the continuity of care after the discharge by providing a type of residential care  such as nursing home, convalescent home, skilled nursing facility (SNF), care home, rest home or intermediate care facility.
  • Reducing the period of hospitalization by promoting a better communication and mutual collaboration between the hospital and the region.
  • Improving patients’ quality of life as well as that of the healthcare personnel in the medium-long term


You can contact the service by phone +39 030/35 13 347, by fax 030/35 18 223 or by e-mail at


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  • Wake up at 7:00 am
  • Breakfast at 7:30 am
  • Lunch from 12:00 to 12:30 
  • Dinner at 6:00 pm


  • From Monday to Friday from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm and from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
  • Saturday from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm and from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
  • Sunday and holidays from 10:00 am to 11:00 am; from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm and from 7:00pm to 8:00 pm.

Nursery/Puerperium timetable as follows:

  • Sunday and holidays from 10:00 am to 11:00 am; from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm and from 7:00pm to 8:00 pm.



  • Every day (including Sundays) from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.

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The structure has no architectural barriers.

A structural plan includes an accurate and visual division between clean courses and dirty ones in the basement, the former having a blue stripe the latter a green one.
At the same time, there is an accurate division of the lifts according to the users (that is patients, personnel, visitors) and also according to the materials transported (being them clean or dirty).


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Healthcare and medical uniforms

Following the Uniform and Dress Code Policy


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affiliated hotels

Here below the list of hotels and accomodations affiliated with Fondazione Poliambulanza:





  • Monolocale Brescia Sud, via San Zeno (2,8km da FP) –  Phone number 030 6585661
  • La Loggia Appartamenti, via Calzavellia 13 (4,8km da FP) - Phone number  333 6895884

  • Monolocale, via Lamarmora (3,6km da FP) - Phone number 030 3386304

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Fondazione Poliambulanza Lombardy Region Ministry of Health

Information about hospitalization in Brescia, Lombardy Italy

Fondazione Poliambulanza Hospital | Brescia, via Bissolati, 57- Tel. +39 030-35151 P.iva 02663120984, N.REA BS468431

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