
Fondazione Poliambulanza is a private, non-profit hospital, accredited and operating within the National and Regional Healthcare Service.

non profit


Fondazione Poliambulanza is a private, non-profit hospital, accredited and operating within the National and Regional Healthcare Service.Being a non-profit hospital means that all the income is invested in new devices, services and world-famous doctors, in support of our Catholic mission concerning the needy and he sick.
Fondazione Poliambulanza has always given evidence of its everlasting help. Every year it pledges itself to provide hospital care through the National Health Care Service, even beyond the budget allocated by the region. So that those services will not be paid back and are bound to be at Fondazione Poliambulanza’s own expense.



There is no need to go and visit the hospitals financed by Onlus Poliambulanza Charitatis Opera in Africa when, in like manner, needy and poor persons are taken care of nearby. At our headquarter in via Bissolati, patients are given basic necessities to feel restored during their hospital stay. 


Along with these humanitarian spendings, all the income is reinvested in technological, structural and computer improvements, as to provide our customers with the most efficient and complete health services.


Fondazione Poliambulanza Lombardy Region Ministry of Health

Fondazione Poliambulanza, Private, non-profit Hospital

Fondazione Poliambulanza Hospital | Brescia, via Bissolati, 57- Tel. +39 030-35151 P.iva 02663120984, N.REA BS468431

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