The suore Ancelle’s remarkable gift for the hospital care is no more a sole prerogative of the city of Brescia since their contribution has been crossing even national borders.
In 2005 Fondazione Poliambulanza launched an important project of solidarity, consisting of a lot of activities. Later, in 2009, the projecy grew with the foundation of the Poliambulanza’s Charitatis Opera onlus, which works as a non-profit organization in the interest of the needy.
The Projects
Hope operators
The project is oriented to those patients coming from developing countries who can’t be treated in their country of origin. Not only will Fondazione Poliambulanza ensure the best possible treatments and post-operative rehabilitation, but also whatever they may need, for example an accommodation or an effective assistance regarding expatriation and repatriation procedures and so on.
Close to the needy
Poliambulanza’s healthcare professionals do not make a distinction between the patients. They are indiscriminately treated in the best possible way. However, when it comes to deprived and distressed persons our commitment has to be even more decisive in order to ensure a decorous hospitalization, providing primary needs goods such as underwear, bedlinen and items of clothing). All those elements are at the core of Poliambulanza’s “Vicini a chi ne ha bisogno” project.
Kiremba ATS
Since many years, Poliambulanza has been standing up for the Renato Monolo hospital of Kiremba, in Burundi. Its financial support is crucial to meet the expenses of devices, drugs, technical aids, forces in the forefront, training of personnel and so on. Our presence in the place began 50 years ago and the mission represents a symbol of solidarity from Brescia to the poorest countries [achievement and fulfilment of a system of aid based on solidarity.]
On 16 May 2014 the four driving forces of Fondazione Poliambulanza (Diocesi di Brescia, Suore Ancelle della Carità, Fondazione Poliambulanza, Fondazione Museke, AS.Co.M onlus and Medicus Mundi) set up an ATS, a temporary association of purpose.
At the core of the ATA the willingness to support the progressive growth and of the African hospital since it represents a benchmark of excellence considering the local standards.
Abana Bacu
Abana baku is an African expression meaning “our children”. That is the name given to a great national project, mainly focused on the diagnosis and treatment of the hydrocephalic children.
Upon request of the Government of Burundi Poliambulanza’s Charitatis Opera has committed to train local doctors. At first, it was the Lombardy Region who had contributed to pay the surgical kits. At regular intervals, a team of italian doctors, guided by a cardiac surgeon, is seconded to work directly in Burundi in order to co-operate and work together with their hosting colleagues.
By the end of the first period, the Kiremba hospital’s doctors became autonomous in carrying out procedures such as the positioning a tube with catheter on the head of small patients. The kits used are very expensive and the commitment of Poliambulanza is to identify yearly potential founds. This means on one hand saving many childrens’ lives and on the other restoring confidence and giving beck the hope of a better future to them and their families. Up to now private citizens and charitable organizations of the city of Brescia have been decisive factors for our project.
Hicuburundi Caritas
All over the world the number of women suffering from breast cancer is high. But in Africa the situation is even more dramatic. In Burundi, for example, the lack of a proper chemioterapic system following the surgery is a pending question which the Hicuburundi Caritas project, named after its fist patient, has in part taken upon itself. A group of women with breast cancer have been found suitable for a preventive treatment involving the daily administration of tamoxifene.and for a period of five years will be treated in such a manner.
Fight against blindness
In order to fight blindness in Burundi Poliambulanza, thanks to a group of ophthalmologists and nurses supervised by our hospital’s main staff, has given birth to several missions within the country. In a context such as the African where access to the environment or a relationship with other people are fundamental, not being able to see often means poverty, insecurity and marginalisation. The “fight against blindness” project was born with this awareness: every year several ophthalmologists reach the Central Africa in order to visit and treat blind persons. Unfortunately, the political and social instability in Burundi is jeopardising the missions which have been corrently suspended, but we are confident we will be back to work there as soon as possible.
A dream come true for Guinea Bissau
Bor paediatric hospital in Guinea-Bissau is an example of how individual solidarity can be a change for the better on condition that there is a synergy behind and the different actors involved in that project have been working jointly to support it. Through their financial and humanitarian aid, the hospital has been given a wide range of services (including the creation of operatory rooms, laboratories, radiology’s devices and so on) and, at the same time, Fondazione Poliambulanza and the other onlus provided local doctors and nurses with training in the field.
The paediatric hospital
Bor paedistric hospital represents the crowning glory as for the non-profit religious public health in Africa (as Kiremba hospital, but it belongs to the local Diocese) and every year it is enriched with new projects and initiatives supported by our country, taking into account the peculiarity of the local culture.
Instruments for a better work
Together with Medicus Mundi, an Ong qualified for the sanitary cooperation, Poliambulanza’s Charitatis Opera collects and manages sanitary fixtures and medical products for the developing countries in order to make them independent and autonomous to the bitter end.
A cup of tea
The project is very simple, but significant, as it aims at providing Kiremba’s patients with a sugared cup of tea every day in addition to the the daily hot meal they are already given by the nuns. To this end the offers coming from Poliambulanza’s fundraising within its bar are actually addressed. It may seem a trifle, but it isn’t and it can help Kiremba’s hospital giving comfort to a lot of sick people, since the hospital is the only one in Burundi ensuring that privilege to its patients.
Poliambulanza is a multifunctional and multidisciplinary center of excellence.
A Check Up can save your life, but also give you serenity.
International Office
Fondazione Poliambulanza opens its doors to the New Surgical Centre and the New Multifunctional Intensive Care Unit.